New Call of Duty Black Ops map pack was released last night. Didn’t get to play since I fell asleep and Matt only played for a tiny bit and went to bed. Hopefully he’ll come on tonight so we can check them out.
Tag: Xbox 360
I Think I Might Play Call Of Duty Too Much
Just straight owning lately. Been like this the past two weeks…
I Know The Next Game I’m Going To Buy
Yup, definitely going to buy this game next. Take a break from Call of Duty for a bit since all it does is piss me off, but for some reason I can’t stop playing it… Think I’m going to just pre-order it now with my Amazon gift card I got for my birthday.
Xbox Kinect Weekend
Ah yes, it is finally here. Kinect came out earlier last week and Matt went and picked his up. We spent most of the weekend playing Kinect and wearing ourselves out. Used a bunch of mussels that we normally didn’t use while playing video games. Matt has the Kinect Adventures which game with the Kinect and is […]
And The Winner Is…
Me! Too bad the prize is awful. I came home last night and there was a random package for me. I’m done splurging on electronics for a bit until I can pay off the new computer parts I bought so I was very curious what it was. Turns out I actually won the grand prize […]
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