As you read from the previous post, February 21st was Jamie’s 21st birthday. To celebrate, Jamie’s sister, Casey, and I threw a small gathering of family at Bonefish Grill in Poughkeepsie, where Jamie likes to eat. Everything went really well, great service and food, everyone was happy. Jamie got nice presents from everyone and enjoyed […]
MLS New York Red Bulls Tickets
Today I purchased a four game pack of tickets to the MLS team New York Red Bulls. Jamie and I both like soccer, but we have never been to a real MLS game before, go figure. Pricing for the MLS is really cheap, well at least compared to other sports. I got seats near the […]
Catching Up On Some Posting
Kinda got lazy for a few weeks, not really busy, just pure laziness. I have a ton of posts I want to write. I just rambled off three of them, be on the look out for a few more tonight and some more tomorrow. Be sure to read them all, some cool stuff happened in […]
Earth Hour 2009
Now I know there is a ton of posts, articles, mentions, etc, etc about this, but it is worth yet another post. I promise I will make it short, sweat, and to the point. JUST TURN OFF EVERYTHING AT 8:30PM ON MARCH 28TH 2009. Very simple, just do it. Pretend this is a Nike commercial […]
Painting The Kitchen
This past month I have been gradually repainting the kitchen. My mother, well all of us really, were tired of the old wall paper that was starting to come down. It had been up there for 10 years, my guesstimate. So after a few weekends and weekdays, skipping a bunch of days in between, the […]
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