Around this time last year we had a robin make a nest in the back of the house. It found a little nook on top of a bend in the gutter leader that is next to a floodlight. Well we started to notice twigs and sticks all over the deck again. We looked up and […]
Category: Home
Anything dealing with the home, apartment or family
We Switched To Verizon FiOS
Saturday was an exciting day. Not only did we have the MLS game to go to, but Verizon came to install FiOS for our TV and internet. I am very happy we finally are getting digital cable plus consistent internet speeds with great upload speeds. You can view my post where I was very disappointed […]
Personal Email Address Change
I just ordered Verizon FiOS tonight and it will be installed this Saturday. This means that our Road Runner email addresses will no longer be in service. Please be sure to update your contacts to our new personal email addresses shown on the contact page. Jamie will be sending out a mass email tonight with […]
Painting The Pantry
As promised in this previous post, here are some pictures of the painted pantry. This took a lot longer than expected, and still isn’t fully completed. Too many birthday’s and busy days at work I guess are to blame. I still need to move the refridgerator to paint behind it and finish painting the cabinet […]
Painting The Kitchen
This past month I have been gradually repainting the kitchen. My mother, well all of us really, were tired of the old wall paper that was starting to come down. It had been up there for 10 years, my guesstimate. So after a few weekends and weekdays, skipping a bunch of days in between, the […]
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