Now That’s More Like It

Over the past few months the internet has really dragged at the house. It has gotten so bad that it takes me hours just to do simple downloads from the web server that I used to do in minutes. I can’t even stream radio and get on a server at work without my email disconnecting and the stream stopping. Watch an online video? HA! It’s more like watching someone stutter for thirty minutes.

So after numerous speed tests and quadruple checking the network at my house, I started up a chat session with Time Warner to troubleshoot my Road Runner modem. I have emailed them before, but they just pretty much ignored what I said and said I was getting what I pay for, which I wasn’t. Now I am paying for a 10MB download and 512KB upload. Yes the upload is horrible but the next level plan is too expensive. I was getting 1-1.5MB download speeds and 256KB upload speeds. So 1/10 the download speed I was paying for. To me I left I was on dial-up on crack, which still is slower than a turtle.

Seven technicians later and after following their stupid instructions (they refused to listen to me after I repeatedly told them I was a network admin and not someone who knows nothing) I finally was told I had to move to the next department, which was phone only. That right there was a waste of an hour and a half plus eight trips to the basement to reset the modem. Needless to say I told every single technician to check the modem for fragmentation and errors, but none of them did. I pick up my phone and call the number I was given to call and I get that lovely computer lady “This call cannot be completed from your area”. Now I was furious. Not only did I spend over an hour with idiots that refused to listen to me, but now I am directed to a phone number that doesn’t work at all. I was then given the main number, so I called that.

After being on hold for near thirty minutes, I get someone in Texas who cannot help me at all. She transfers me to the New York office, only for me to be on hold some more. Finally I get someone. Before I am sent on a wild goose chase I left my frustration out until she gets the point I’m pissed off and had enough. I tell her to check the modem since no one else has yet. She puts me on hold and comes back thirty seconds later and says “Your modem is no good, you need a replacement”.

I nearly threw the phone through the wall. I spent over two hours on chats and on the phone to have someone do what I said to do from the very beginning. UGH. Since the Time Warner office is a few blocks from me I chose just to go down there rather than wait a few days for a technician. I somehow squeezed out a thank you and hung up.

Today I went down to the Time Warner office and exchanged my modem. I came right home and plugged it in. Below are the before and after speedtests. I am now getting 20MB+ download speeds consistently, as my 512KB upload speed. I am happy now, but I really cannot wait until my Verizon FiOS gets here. We are ordering it this week and scrapping Time Warner, just like every smart person with FiOS in their area should do. Not only is it better TV and internet, it’s cheaper.

Moral of the story, don’t ever call Time Warner support unless you know nothing about the internet and networks. If you do, you will only wind up with a migraine, a broken cell phone, and a cell phone shaped hole in the wall.

Speedtest results with the old modem:
Speedtest with old modem

Speedtest results with the new modem:
Speedtest with new modem
Speedtests courtesy of

3 thoughts to “Now That’s More Like It”

  1. Being in the business for 25 years-only the idiot would change out the modem when other issues are primary.

    You paint a ugly picture-nice try. Good luck working with the phone company!

  2. I agree, I wouldn’t change out the modem right away as well. My main issue is that I did all the leg work and checking everything else before I called. I let each technician know that I was a network technician myself and just simply asked for the modem to be checked, which none of them bothered to do at all.

    I don’t think I would be as mad if I wasn’t passed around to nine different people and didn’t have each one of them ignore me.

    FiOS will be great, it’s fiber optics which is much more reliable than cable. Plus speeds up to 50MB download 20MB upload, I don’t see the cable company offering that for a reasonable price. Actually I don’t even see them offering good upload speeds at all. Next level is only 1MB.

    Thanks for the comment.

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