Domain crazy???

In the past month I have purchased over 100 domain names.

I now step back and take a look at the ever-growing list and think it’s time I needed to kick these sites into gear before I continue.

Let me put this in $$ terms. That’s $1,000 next Feb/March that I need to spend to keep these sites active, and right now I only made $20 off of them…..

Time is my biggest enemy right now. Between work and school I have no time to develop all the sites. Check out the Websites page for a list of all the sites I am hoping to get going. They are mainly Amazon store fronts. It is going to take several months to get traffic to all these sites so I can start making money. Maybe I will hire someone to help with advertising and getting me high up on search results, but thats another added cost with little to no money coming it. But hey, that’s the business I guess and I can’t cop-out now, this is something I have always wanted to do, and I have never gave up on any project before.

Once I get the first site ( up and running, I will be able to easily create the other sites off that template, just customize each one with different colors, images and categories. My goal is that before school starts in August I have all these sites up and running.

So for now I will have to slow down on grabbing every name I can think of and stop buying the less used extensions like .info and .biz to keep costs down.

I swear it’s like a crack addiction. I searched GoDaddy for a name that popped into my head and if it was available, I purchased it 30 seconds later.